A)   The Ontario Masters Lacrosse Council shall be made up of a council consisting of one member of each club that is in good standing. Each club should also have an alternate representative.  To be considered in good standing a club must have paid all required fees and fines before participating in any council meeting or any sanctioned council event or tournament.

B)   Each club is entitled to one vote at Council meetings.

C)   A quorum shall consist of 2/3 of the clubs in good standing.

D)   Any vote will be won by a simple majority of the representatives in attendance.  Ties will be broken by the Chairperson’s vote.

E)   Masters Council to meet at least twice a year; the first meeting within 2 months of the conclusion of the season – fall meeting; the second in late winter, at least 1 month prior to the start of the season.

F)   At the fall meeting, the Council will elect an Executive Board responsible for the operation and conduct of the league.                                                                                                                                                           

The Executive Board shall consist of a Commissioner, Executive Director (if required), Referee-in-Chief and include 4 Council Members at-large to form a board of 6 (or 7) members.  (Ideally the at-large members should be balanced between Senior and Junior reps).

The Commissioner and RIC should be non-players where possible.

G)   Duties of the Executive Board:   

  1. Receive and respond to any application for league expansion.            
  2. Act as the Masters Council Discipline Committee and, as such, rule on any discipline or suspension matters. In a discipline hearing, three (3) members would sit in judgement.
  3.  Oversee the operation of the league and all sanctioned tournaments and that the bylaws passed by the council are enforced.
  4. After January 30th when team tournament lists have been submitted, they shall direct that a schedule is made for all tournaments and that this schedule is forwarded to team reps by February 15th.  If there are any conflicts this comes back to Executive by February 25th and a final complete schedule is available at the March meeting.
  5. Conduct the day to day operations of the league.                                                                                           

H)   Honorariums will be set at the fall meeting for the Board members by the Council.

I)   The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a year and/or when deemed necessary to conduct Masters Lacrosse Council business. 

J)   Removal of an Executive member.  If an Executive member is deemed to be not fulfilling his duties or responsibilities during their term as specified in the current OMLA policy or has breached what is deemed to be acceptable behaviour by the board, a meeting shall be called and with the approval of 2/3 of the board (4 members of the remaining 6) that individual shall be removed from office.  All other members shall be polled as to their vote.  For the remainder of that term the removed member’s duties shall be shared by the other members or they may choose to appoint someone to fulfill those duties until the next AGM.

K)   Submissions to change the Policies or Rules must be filed with the Executive by August 31st  to be included on the agenda of the AGM for that year.  Changes can only be made at the AGM.

Submissions are required by August 31st so that a list of all proposed changes can be forwarded to the teams prior to the Provincial Championships and the teams have a chance to discuss them at that time.






A)  The Commissioner shall:


  1. Preside over all Council meetings.
  2. Conduct the business of the Masters Council as directed by the Council of team reps.
  3. Cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie.
  4. As soon as possible, call a discipline committee meeting and chair this meeting.
  5. Oversee that the duties of the other Executive board members and Council members are being fulfilled.
  6.  Have signing authority on the Council bank account.
  7. Sit as a member of all committees of the Ontario Masters Lacrosse Council.
  8. Appoint a secretary to take notes at meetings where required.
  9. Assume the duties of the Executive Director if one does not exist.


B)   The Executive Director shall:


  1. Arrange for the distribution of all correspondence to all members of the Council.
  2.  Ensure that the agenda is prepared and sent out for all meetings at least a week prior to each meeting and that the minutes of all league meetings are recorded and distributed to the Council within 10 days following the meeting.
  3.  Where possible, be a part of any discipline committee.
  4.  Have signing authority on the Council bank account and keep all financial records of the league. Also to submit a report on the financials at all meetings.
  5.  Receive all funds payable to the Council and deposit in the Council bank account.
  6.  Pay all bills as approved by the Executive Board.  Two signatures (of 3 eligible) to be on all disbursements.
  7.  Be responsible for maintaining a database of players, teams and their respective status in the league.
  8.  Assists the Commissioner in the day to day operations of the league
  9.  Receive the member clubs' tournament lists no later than the 30th of January.  The Commissioner shall then let the host teams know the number of teams that will be attending their tournament to allow for the host to book the necessary facilities.
  10.  Be responsible for ensuring schedules are completed and forwarded in a timely manner.
  11.  Be responsible for writing and maintaining the Policies and Procedures for the league.
  12.  Be responsible for paying referees and booking required rooms for referees and Executive at all tournaments.


C)  The Referee-In-Chief shall:

      1. Select and schedule all qualified referees for all Ontario Masters tournaments.

For any tournament under 18 teams a minimum of 6 qualified officials shall be booked.  Tournaments with 18 or more teams shall have a minimum of 8 qualified officials.  If there are not enough OMLA officials available, qualified players may be allowed to referee.  In such cases, no player may referee a game in the division that he would normally play in. 

To provide the Executive a list of referees attending each tournament in a timely manner prior to each tournament. 

RIC to be a qualified referee as determined by the Executive.  The RIC is not to be a team player.

      2.  When possible, be a member of the Council Discipline Committee.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3.  Monitor and evaluate all Masters referees in the interest of consistency of rule interpretation.                                                                                                                                                        4.  Responsible for seeing that the officials are properly trained to be able to officiate in the Masters game.                                                                                                                                  5.  Provide the Executive a current list of all Masters referees and their contact information.                                                                                                                                                                    6.  Shall attend both the AGM and SAGM or have a designate attend in his place.


D)  At-Large Board members:


  1. A member (either Junior or Senior as required) may be called to sit on discipline committees.
  2. Any duties as directed by the Commissioner such as filling in for another member of the board that cannot attend a league function.
  3. One Junior member and one Senior member to have signing authority on the Council bank account.
  4. At-large board members shall be compensated $125 per member per year.






A)   To represent their team at the Masters Council meetings held twice per year. The representative must be a registered member of that team and may only represent that team at any meeting.

B)   To keep the interests, respect for the game and betterment of the council above club interests.

Any person supplying services to the league must not be a voting member of the council. Any such conflicts must be declared prior to the vote or acceptance of services.

C)   To ensure that all club fees and fines are paid on time and all notifications as decided on by the Council are taken care of.

D)   To ensure all that team’s players have signed and completed the league registration and insurance waiver prior to any player taking part in any sanctioned game or tournament and that all players are qualified to play under our eligibility guidelines.

E)   To ensure the good conduct of all club personnel at all league functions.

Any player not deemed fit to play may be removed from the floor by the referees.                             

F)   To select a designate to participate in Master Council meetings if they are not able to attend a meeting.

G)   As a tournament hosting team, be responsible for notifying the council of the club’s intention to host a tournament in the following season by October 15th.

H)   The team rep will be responsible for notifying the Commissioner of his club’s tournament intentions for the upcoming year by January 30th.

I)   As a tournament host, to ensure that the appropriate floor time is booked.

J)   Provide a report on the tournament at the fall meeting following the tournament season.

K)   To ensure that game sheets are completed correctly prior to each game and signed by the team rep in the bench personnel space. (This will allow an accurate data base of player eligibility to be maintained.) The team rep is also responsible to ensure all of the team’s players are properly registered and any suspended players are marked on the game sheet as serving game #....of their suspension.  It is also the last team reps to fill out the game sheet’s responsibility to see that the game sheet gets to the timekeeper's box prior to the start of the game.

L)   The team rep is also responsible for taking his team's copy of the game sheet at the conclusion of the game.

M)   Any proposed Policy amendments are to be submitted to the Commissioner by August 31st  so that the proposed amendments can be included on the AGM agenda. Submissions are required by August 31st so that a list of all proposed changes can be forwarded to the teams prior to the Provincial Championships and the teams have a chance to discuss them at that time

N)   Changes to the Policies and Rules only to be decided at the AGM.





A)   All Senior Masters players must attain their 35th birthday in the year they compete.

B)   All Junior Masters players must attain their 20th birthday in the year they compete.  Senior Masters players may participate at the Junior level.

C)   All players must sign the league registration and insurance waiver prior to taking part in any game.

D)   A player must play a minimum of 5 games in a season for that team to be eligible to play for that team in the Provincials.

E)   A player must not have been registered to any professional team in the same calendar year that they play in the Masters division.   For any player that has played and has been released from any other division or category of box lacrosse in Canada or the USA by July 1st of the playing year, they must play in 2 away tournaments in order to qualify to play in the Provincials that year.  Any player playing a game after July 1st is not eligible to play Masters in that year.

Arena Lacrosse League (ALL) players are not considered as professional under this policy.  Senior C players are also excluded from this rule.  A Senior C player may AP to Senior B for no more than 3 games prior to July 1st.

F)   Players must abide by the rules, regulations and policies outlined by the Ontario Master Lacrosse Association.  If a comment or clarification is required, the player must process this request through the appropriate channels.  For example, on the floor, the captains and alternates may ask for clarification from the official during the game.  This will be passed on to the Commissioner and/or RIC for additional clarification, if required.  If necessary, the issue will be forwarded to the Executive to address.  The sole intent of this council is to improve the policies and procedures which will benefit the game of Masters lacrosse in Ontario.

G)   A player may play for more than one team during the season but only one team per tournament.  Exceptions can be made in the case of goaltenders. Goaltenders still must be of an eligible age to play in that division. The team and/or player may be subjected to fines for a breach of this policy.

H)   A player may appeal to the Executive Committee for special consideration on any issues of Provincial eligibility.





A)   The Commissioner will receive $50 from each registered team.

B)   The Commissioner will receive an honorarium of $100 from the league as well as a room for the weekend at all tournaments. (Friday and Saturday night)

C)   The Referee-in-Chief will receive $25 from each registered team.

D)   The Referee-in-Chief will receive an honorarium of $50 from the league as well as a room for the weekend at all tournaments. (Friday and Saturday night)

E)   The Executive Director will receive $50 from each registered team. (if required.)

F)   The Executive Director will receive an honorarium of $50 from the league as well as a room for the weekend at all tournaments. (Friday and Saturday night) (if required).

G)   Executive team representatives (4) shall receive an honorarium of $125 from the league.

H)   The out-of-town referees will receive a room for the tournament weekend at the rate of 2 referees per room.   Rooms will be provided by the league.  To be considered out of town the referee must be 50km from his home town.   

I)   Teams will arrange for payment for each tournament they intend to compete in at the SAGM.  Payments must be made to the league 5 weeks prior to the tournament date. The league will release the whole amount to the hosting team 4 weeks prior to the start of the tournament.

Late payments or NSF payments will result in a $100 fine payable to the league.

Cost per tournament will be $670 per team.

J)   Each team will make a payment of $1,255 at the late winter meeting.  This payment will cover the following: $525 league service fee including $75 to cover administration honorariums and $730 for the Provincial tournament fee.  The Provincial tournament fee will act as a team’s bond and be held to cover the costs of any default or non-payment of fines that may be assessed during the season.   To be eligible for Provincials, any outstanding fees or fines must be paid in full and the Provincial fee topped up to $730.  

Any team that elects not to attend Provincials by January 30th will still have to put their $730 bond in at the SAGM.  After the last qualifying tournament, the fee will be refunded minus any fines or amounts owing providing the notice not to participate was declared by January 30th.

K)   The per game fee per referee will be $35 per game with a $25 per diem or $50 for the tournament if they stay all weekend, to be paid by the league.

L)   Any team that is not a registered member of the league and wishes to compete in any tournament will be required to submit a payment of $1070 to the league.  $670 will be used for the entry fee, $175 for league services (includes insurance) and a refundable $225 performance bond.





A)   The Masters game shall consist of 3 x 15-minute periods with up to a 3 minute rest between periods.   Play will be straight time except for the last 3 minutes of the third period when the score differential is 3 goals or less. A penalty in the last minutes of regulation time will result in a penalty shot or shots if the penalty cannot be served in it’s entirety, including sudden victory overtime pending.  

If the game is called (ended) after the 2nd period has concluded for safety reasons or non discipline reasons, the final score and results shall be determined by the score at the time of termination.

B)   At the Provincial tournament, in the event of a tie in regulation time, there will be a 5-minute sudden victory period.  If no goal is scored, it will be followed by a full 3 player per team shootout. Still individual after that if still tied but must go through roster to equal number of shooters before starting again from top. (i.e., Team A has 9, Team B has 11 - must go through 9 before anyone shoots twice.) May have to continue through the whole lineup with an individual player shootout until a winner is declared.

C)   Each team will have two timeouts per game and use only one in any one period. An additional timeout will be awarded in overtime.

D)   If the teams are tied after the round robin schedule has been played during the Provincials, the highest placement for the playoff game will be determined by the following:    

     1. head-to-head (if only 2 teams are tied) 

     2. least goals against in the round robin                                                        

     3. least penalty minutes in round robin play 

E)   All players on a team shall wear the same coloured sweaters with a number on the back clearly visible.

F)   Helmets with facemask and gloves are mandatory.  (CSA approved).

G)   All goaltender equipment above the waist shall be fully covered by the sweater.

H)   Long field lacrosse sticks are illegal and not allowed.  There will be no stick measurements.

I)   A Captain and two Assistant Captains must be designated on the game sheet and on their jerseys. Only these designated players will be able to be involved in any discussions with the referees.

J)   Maximum roster is 25 players per team per season.






A)   All fines assessed by these Policies are to be paid to the Commissioner or a member of the Executive prior to the team’s next game.  Failure to do so could result in that next game being a forfeit.

B)   All fine money may be used at the discretion of the Masters Lacrosse Council.

C)   Schedule of Fines:

  1.  A member club not having a representative at a scheduled council meeting - $100
  2.  If a member club does not have a minimum of 6 players dressed at the start of a game - Delay of game penalty.  If the game is not played and is a forfeit that team is fined $200 of which $125 will go to the opposing team and $75 to the Masters Council.  Any forfeited game will count as a 10 – 0 victory for the non-offending team. The offending team will also forfeit 2 seeding points toward their Provincial standing.
  3.  Any major 5-minute penalty - $30 plus expulsion from the game.  For a 2nd 5-minute major that year - $60 and a mandatory hearing will be held.  For a 3rd or more 5-minute major that year - $100 and a mandatory hearing will be held.
  4.  Any 10-minute misconduct including for official abuse - $35 and expulsion from the game.  For a 2nd 10-minute misconduct that year - $75 and a possible hearing.  For a 3rd 10-minute misconduct that year - $100 and a hearing.
  5.  A game misconduct will result in a $35 fine, expulsion from the game and a further 1 game suspension.   Any 2nd game misconduct that year - $75 fine and a mandatory hearing.
  6.  A gross misconduct will result in a mandatory hearing to be held at the tournament where the incident took place, if possible, and would include the Commissioner and (2) Executive Members with future fines or suspensions to follow.
  7.  The use of an unregistered or ineligible player will result in that team forfeiting the game and a $250  fine.  This will also cover any player falsely representing himself as another player.  Such player shall be suspended for 1 calendar year.
  8.  Failure of a team to have the game sheet properly filled out and to the referee prior to the start of the game will result in that team being assessed a 2-minute delay of game penalty.






A)   All appeals of any fine or suspension must be in writing to the Commissioner within a reasonable time. The Commissioner may call for a hearing, if deemed necessary.





A)   Prior to the Provincials, each club will submit to the Commissioner any nominations for the annual Masters Commissioner's Award.

B)   The referees shall decide at the Provincials the winner of the Randy ‘Rooster’ McMillen Sportsmanship Award.

C)   Prior to the Provincials, each club will submit to the Executive Director or Commissioner any nominations for the annual Steve Wilde Referee of the Year Award.

D)   Prior to Provincials, each club will submit to the Commissioner any nominations for the Hugh Ward Player of the Year. Nominations can be for a player from either division but may not be from your own team.

E)   Prior to the Provincials, the Executive shall decide the winner of the John & Elsie Anastasakis Goaltender of the Year Award.





A)   All Ontario Masters Lacrosse Association referees must be a minimum of 21 years of age and be approved by the Referee-in-Chief and the Commissioner.




A)   A point system will be used during the qualifying tournaments. A win will be worth 2 points with 1 point for a tie.

B)   A team’s best 3 tournaments count toward their Provincial seeding (12 games).

C)   For every tournament in excess of the 3 required tournaments, that team will receive 1 additional point.

D)   The team determined to be the winner of each tournament, as determined by our tie breaking policy, will be awarded an additional 2 points towards their ranking in addition to other points earned through victories or extra tournaments.


Provincial Scheduling:

Both divisions play under the same guidelines.

If in any division there are more than 13 teams (14+), that division splits into 2 groups; an A grouping of 8 that will compete for the Provincial Championship and a B grouping of 6 or more that competes for the B crown.  With a 3 game round robin (Friday and 2 Saturday games), it becomes almost impossible to not have many teams with similar records….3-0, 2-1 etc. if all 14 or more teams are in the same grouping.

If we do get 14 or more teams, the top 8 will divide into 2 pools of 4 and play 3 games within their pool.  Top 2 in each pool make the semis.


8 Teams












All teams play other teams in their pool.  The top 2 teams in each pool advance to the semi-finals.  Revert back to original seeding for semi scheduling…..top ranked vs lowest ranked; 2nd remaining rank vs 3rd remaining ranked.


For the B grouping, if it exists:


7 Teams

Each team will play 3 games with the games as follows:

1 vs 4, 6, 7

2 vs 3, 5, 7

3 vs 2, 5, 7

4 vs 1, 5, 6

5 vs 2, 3, 4

6 vs 1, 4, 7.

7 vs 1, 2, 3, 6.

Team 7 plays a second game on the Friday  (4 games in round robin with their best 3 games counting).

Sunday schedule would be based on the round robin record with 5 vs 6; 3 vs 4; 1 vs 2.  Team ranked 7th does not play.


6 Teams

Each team will play 3 games as follows:

1 vs 4, 5, 6.

2 vs 3, 5, 6.

3 vs 2, 4, 6.

4 vs 1. 3. 5.

5 vs 1, 2, 4.

6 vs 1, 2, 3.

Sunday games based on round robin results are 5 vs 6; 3 vs 4; 1 vs 2.


If there are not 14 teams, all teams will compete for the Championship under the following formulae:


13 Teams





















First and second in Pool A advance with the first in pool B and C.  Semis revert to Provincial ranking i.e. top ranked vs lowest ranked.  2nd highest remaining vs 3rd highest remaining.

For pool A:  1 vs 7, 10, 13                        13 vs 1, 2, 7, 10, Best 3 games count for                         

                      2 vs 7, 10, 13                                                    team 13.

                      7 vs 1, 2, 13

                      10 vs 1, 2, 13.


12 Teams


















Play within your pool.  Top 2 teams in A and the winners of B and C advance to the semis.


11 Teams

















Team 11 plays all the teams in their pool.  Their best 3 games count.

Team 1 vs 7, 9, 10; team 3 vs 5, 9, 10; team 5 vs 3, 7, 10; team 7 vs 1, 5, 9;  team 9 vs 1, 3, 7; team 10 vs 1, 3, 5.

Team 2 vs 6, 8, 11; team 4 vs 6, 8, 11; team 6 vs 2, 4, 11; team 8 vs 2, 4, 11.

Top 2 teams in each pool advance to the semis.


10 Teams















Each team will play 3 games in their pool as follows:

1 vs 6, 7, 10; 4 vs 6, 7, 10; 6 vs 1, 4, 10; 7 vs 1, 4, and a crossover with 8; 10 vs 1, 4, 6.

2 vs 5, 8, 9; 3 vs 5, 8, 9; 5 vs 2, 3, 9; 8 vs 2, 3, and a crossover with 7; 9 vs 2, 3, 5.

Top 2 teams in each pool advance to the semis.


9 Teams















Pool A Team 9 will play all the teams in their pool.  Their best 3 games count.

Team 1 vs 5, 7, 9; team 4 vs 5, 7, 9; team 5 vs 1, 4, 9; team 7 vs 1, 5, 9

Teams in pool B play each other.

The top 2 teams in each pool advance to the semis.






(March 2019)


   CLA Rules apply except where noted below.


1)   The first player to a loose ball towards the boards is awarded possession.

2) A player can not trap the ball from anyone on the floor except for a goalie. If a player traps the ball it will go to the opposing team on a possession call.

3)   There will be a 5 second possession rule applied.  The rule is waived if the player receives the ball on a breakaway with only the Goaltender to beat.

4)   The ball carrier may not run past more than one defender when advancing towards the net.  Loss of possession.   This does not pertain to lateral movement across the floor unless the ball carrier is advancing towards the net.   This rule also does not apply inside their own defensive zone.

5)   No team may use a zone defense when teams are at even strength inside the 24-foot arc.  First time is a warning.  Any subsequent zone defense will result in a bench minor penalty to the defensive team.

6)   Team in possession of the ball retains possession for restart after stoppage for any injury.

7)   After a penalty to one player, play shall resume with the non-offending team having possession at center.

8)   Draws:  Players other than the players facing off may not enter the restraining lines before the ball leaves the two-foot face-off circle.   Face-off players may not kick, hit, hold or step on the stick of an opponent.  

Draw-men start with their sticks 3 inches from the ball. On the referees ‘set’ command there can be no movement until the whistle. On the whistle the players will draw the ball. They cannot hold the ball in the circle and there must be a fluid motion to get the ball out of the circle.

If, on a draw the ball becomes stuck in a player’s stick, possession is awarded to the other team.

9)   Dangerous shot:  Every player is to be responsible for his shot.   Hitting a player whether it is a team-mate or an opponent or official will result in a 4-minute penalty.  Hitting a goalie from behind the net will be considered a dangerous shot. (Inside the imaginary line from the crease to the boards).

 The player assessed the penalty has to serve the full 4 minutes, regardless of the number of goals scored.                                 

This will count as 1 penalty towards the total of 3 per game, however a 2nd dangerous shot penalty by the same player will result in his disqualification for the remainder of that game.  If disqualification takes place, another player from that team must serve the 4-minute penalty.

This is a stackable penalty and in the case of that team already being shorthanded the offending player must serve it with the time starting after the first penalty has been served.

The dangerous shot rule does not apply if the player that is hit with the shot steps in front of the shot or is inside the goal crease, or in the case of deflections or rebounds.

10)   THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO DELIBERATE STICK OR BODY CONTACT.  There are no picks allowed.  All deliberate contact from anywhere on the floor will be penalized.

11)   An interference penalty will be assessed to any player who deliberately holds his stick in the face of an opponent. 

12)   In the event of a follow through penalty on a shot, any goal scored will not count.

13)   Any unsportsmanlike penalty will result in a penalty shot, plus a 2-minute minor.  This is a stackable penalty so if the team is shorthanded the player goes to the box and penalty starts when the first penalty is done.  The unsportsmanlike penalty is released with a goal.  An unsportsmanlike conduct penalty counts as 2 penalties towards the total of 3 penalties in a game.

If during the course of the game any player comments to a referee are seen to be in a negative light and/or directing the way the game is called the referee may stop play and give that team a warning.  Any subsequent ‘calling’ of the game from that team would result in an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.  With the warning a possession change will result if the offending team has possession at the time.

If the remarks come from the bench and the player cannot be identified it will be called as a bench minor.

14)   Any penalties to the ball carrier during a breakaway shall result in a penalty shot.  If no goal is scored play will restart with possession to the non-offending team at center.

15)   If there is a penalty to the ball carrier on a breakaway and there is no  goaltender on the floor, a goal will be awarded.

16)   No team shall be more than one player short as a result of penalties.  Any subsequent penalties shall result in penalty shots being awarded to the non-offending team.  If the penalty is a major penalty, 2 shots will be taken, plus a shot for being a man short. The second penalty is recognized when the whistle blows to stop any delayed penalty.  If no goal is scored play will restart with possession to the non-offending team at center.

17)   Any player receiving 3 penalties in the game will be expelled for the balance of the game

18)   Any player receiving a major penalty will be expelled from the game plus the game following.  If the expulsion takes place in the last game of a tournament the suspension carriers over to the next tournament.

A major penalty will result in 2 penalty shots plus the expulsion.

19)   Any player penalized for fighting and deemed to be the instigator/aggressor will be expelled from the game and suspended from Ontario Masters Lacrosse for a period of one year from the date of the incident.

20)   Any face-to-face confrontation of an aggressive manner shall be deemed a two-minute delay of game, plus a 10-minute misconduct.  If the situation elevates it goes to a 2 + 10 + game misconduct.

Any misconduct penalty results in ejection from the game plus a fine.

A game misconduct penalty results in ejection from the game plus the following game plus a fine.

21)   On a whistle for change of possession the ball must be set down immediately.   Failure to do so will result in a delay of game penalty.

22)   Use of an ineligible or unregistered player will result in that player’s expulsion from the game and a 5-minute major to that team if determined during play of the current game. Once the game is final, the result will be deemed a forfeit and the opposing team will be a winner by a 10 – 0 score. The offending team will also forfeit 2 seeding points towards their Provincial standing. It is also a $250 fine.

23)   When shooting on goal a player may not leave his feet (loss of control) and enter into the goal crease in an attempt to score a goal. Any goals scored by a player while in opponents’ crease shall be disallowed and possession awarded to defending team in their crease. If contact is made with the goalie, an interference penalty will be assessed or an attempt to injure depending on the severity of the contact.

24)   Any shot that goes off the post or crossbar and leaves the playing surface; possession goes to the offense.  Any shot that leaves the playing surface after hitting the goalie; possession goes to the offense.

Ball off goalies’ helmet, mask or throat guard; goalie's ball in the crease.

25)   Once the ball goes outside the virtual 24’ arc around the net, it is free to be picked up after running through the crease. There is no longer an advantage obtained.




The Masters Council will be responsible for purchasing and awarding the A Champions in both Junior and Senior with a team championship banner and/or awards.





Alcohol is not permitted to be served or consumed at any OMLA function except under the conditions of a Special Occasion Permit or in a licenced establishment.   Any team found to be contravening this provision shall be subject to expulsion from the tournament and a $250 fine.

Any individual who contravenes this policy shall be subject to expulsion from the tournament and a $100 fine.




Any abuse of an official by a player or a player by an official, whether physical or verbal, on or off the floor, will be dealt with by way of a hearing.






     All members associated with the Ontario Masters Lacrosse Association shall:

  1. Attempt at all times to work towards the goals and objectives of the OMLA and the game of Lacrosse and towards the betterment of its members.
  2. Strive to heighten the image and dignity of the Association and the sport of Lacrosse as a whole and to refrain from behaviour which may discredit or embarrass the Association or the game.
  3. Always be courteous and objective in dealing with other members.
  4. Show respect for the cultural, social and political values of all participants in the sport.



An individual’s conduct shall be in question when they:

  1. Breach any of the above in Section 1.
  2. Use their position within the OMLA for any unauthorized personal and/or material gain.
  3. Willfully circulate false, malicious statements derogatory to any other member of the Association.
  4. Wilfully ignore or break the bylaws, policies and/or rules of the OLMA.  This will also include counselling others to do so.





  1. Any report alleging a breach of this Code of Conduct shall be submitted in writing and signed by 2 team representatives and a member of the Executive within a reasonable time frame.
  2. Upon receiving the report, the whole Executive will meet at the earliest convenience and conduct a hearing into the allegations.
  3. The results of such a hearing may result in a finding of insufficient evidence and a dismissal of the allegation or a finding of guilt.  A guilty finding may result in a warning, fines, suspensions and/or disqualification from the Masters game.





The Executive of the OMLA shall seek out, price and arrange to supply the following services to the league:

A)   Adequate insurance coverage for its members so that they, at a minimum, are covered for 5M in liability coverage for any incident that may occur at any OMLA related event.

B)   See that there is an ample supply of game balls, games sheets and a scoreboard for all sanctioned OMLA tournaments.  Sanctioned tournaments shall be set out at the AGM.

Costs of these services will be included in the registration fee all teams will pay at the SAGM in March.




Tournament Hosting Requirements

1) Facilities with 2 pads. (or 2 within a reasonable distance).

2) Able to host an 11PM game on Friday night.

3) WORKING 30 second clocks. Pens, a sharpie (for referees to make notes on the back of game sheets) and a laminated sample game sheet in the timekeepers box.

4) Timekeepers to be properly trained and not just sticking a body in the box.

5) Minimum of 4 dressing rooms per floor.

6) A female or gender neutral dressing room with a shower.

7) A referee room of reasonable size with shower facilities.

8) Either a host operated BBQ or a facility snack bar. Quite often referees only have a one hour break between games. No time to shower, change and drive somewhere to get something.

9) Two sets of 4' x 4'6" nets. (Junior). The host will be responsible for these nets.

10) Hotel accommodations within a reasonable distance for the referees and teams.

11) A report on the tournament at the AGM.